
War Pattern Astro Charts / Occupation of Palestine / with NM Thomen

November 04, 2023 J.M. Hamade

We are joined by astrologer and talismanic filmmaker NM Thomen (Orphic Astrology) to discuss her article 'The Lunar Metonic Cycle of the Occupation of Palestine,' as well as other related charts, activism, and the astrology of colonial oppression. We discuss some history behind the occupation of Palestine and some of the chart signatures therein. Through these charts we also get into nodal cycles, Mars-Saturn and Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions, as well as a broader conversation on under represented aspects of astrology.

The image for this episode was found and informed by , where you can also learn more about al-nakba, al-naksa, and similar historical terms referring to the occupation of Palestine.

NM Thomen's (Orphic Astrology) Info:
-Her Article (Patreon) 'The Lunar Metonic Cycle of the Occupation of Palestine'

As always you can find the show and J.M. Hamade @starnightdwell on IG, YT, and Twitter. You can find the full episode as well as support the show at