Meta-Image, Divination, and Occult Podcasting / Saturn in Aquarius / with McCalla Ann
Mar 11, 2023
J.M. Hamade
For this Mercury Retrograde special we are joined by McCalla Ann, host of the SaturnVox podcast/platform for a fun albeit technologically frustrating swapcast discussion.
Highlighting our mutual natal placements in Aquarius, we discuss the limits of knowledge in regards to divination, as well as similarly themed philosophical and esoteric inquiries. McCalla also speaks directly to their experiences and practice as a professional diviner with some time tested observations around presence, performance, and embodying the role that is observing the image in all of its various masks; the meta-image as we come to call it.
In joining one another on our respective show’s, the dialogue led to new and fascinating insights; testament to not only the medium itself but the re-visionary process of Mercury in its retrograde phase. To hear my interview on McCalla’s show, you can visit their podcast called SaturnVox.
McCalla’s Info:
Twitter & Instagram @saturnvox